Why are blocks on Bluesky public?#


Technical approaches we’ve considered for private blocks#

One proposed mechanism to make blocks less public on Bluesky is the use of bloom filters. The basic idea is to encode block relationships in a statistical data structure, and to distribute that data structure instead of the set of actual blocks. The data structure would make it easy to check if there was a block relationship between two specific accounts, but not make it easy to list all of the blocks. Other servers and clients in the network would then use the data structure to enforce the blocking behaviors.

they go on to list some drawbacks to this approach, such as:

  • bloom filter blocks would incur a lot of CPU, bandwidth, and storage overhead
  • mitigations for the above incur latency & reliability issues
  • it doesn't actually solve the problem (blocks are still enumerable on a per-account basis. lol. lmao)

what baffles me is that there are significantly worse problems than these that go completely unmentioned! I'll list some below (note that I assume some familiarity with the data structure in question):

  • bloom filters incur false positives - this is the first thing you learn about them in educational contexts! in this application, false positives means you block one account and later find that you've apparently blocked a random subset of other accounts, too. not ideal!
  • traditional bloom filters have no delete operation, meaning you just can't unblock people. modifications that do permit deletes (like counting bloom filters) unavoidably cause false negatives as well:
    • in the above scenario, imagine that you find a random account that got blocked as a false-positive. unblocking that account means subtracting the same hash that collided to block them in the first place, unblocking the person you intended to block as well.
    • once you've blocked multiple accounts, you can start to experience false positives on accounts whose hashes only partially collided with any given account that you meant to block. the bloom filter doesn't know this, so it allows you to unblock the false positive anyway, breaking up to 100% of your intended blocks whose hashes partially collided.
  • since federated blocks would require instances to agree on a hashing algorithm, collisions can be brute-forced relatively easily. an attacker could choose a victim, identify a potential collision (or even multiple partial collisions that overlap to create a FP, which would be much faster), then create account(s) that bait out blocks from the entire userbase, or maybe just the victim's network. anyone who blocks the bait account(s) inadvertently blocks the victim as well!
    • this could be made more difficult to execute by hashing features that the user doesn't control, but I think federation still means that a malicious instance could facilitate this attack.
    • splitting up the bloom filter by instance would rapidly increase the storage costs, and since bloom filters can't really be resized once non-empty, this mitigation would scale awfully.

all of the above can be made less likely by increasing the size of the filter, but this exacerbates Bluesky's stated problems with the concept, namely overhead costs. it's just a terrible idea all around. it's unlikely that they'll ever take this idea past the blog post, but the fact that they would publish this without even addressing these failure modes dramatically lowers my faith in their technical understanding of distributed systems (one of the few areas where I thought they had an advantage in the field).