Cool stuff

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  • Permaban 2024-03-05
    Short & incredibly cursed sokoban game from Hempuli of Baba Is You fame.
  • Garfield+ 2024-02-08
    YouTuber planet clue went to great lengths to make Garfield (2004) playable, both technically and in terms of game design.
  • Determinism 2024-02-08
    The latest album from Jeremy Blake strikes a chord in my heart that's been dormant for years.
  • COMPOST #2 2024-01-12
    Casual compo event hosted on cohost by @hvb. 43 entrants wrote a short song for this iteration!
  • Enrapturing video about the "Miracle Octad Generator", a mathematical structure that ties together group theory, code theory, and more.
  • CJ The X's excellent teardown of what Twitter does to your brain.
  • +9ms or Null? 2023-03-19
    Telperion's "StepMania simfile unbiasing utility", the community's biggest step yet toward eliminating the 9ms bias.
  • ITL Online 2023 2023-03-18
    International Timing League's remote, online StepMania tournament runs until June 19.
  • sketchbook. 2023-03-03
    Aethoro's sophomore album, “a story of childhood imaginary worlds, friendships, and real life.”
  • fictum vita 2023-01-06
    My friend antymis' lovely debut EP.
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