Some housekeeping and a new project

Posted 2024-09-22 #this blog ยท #music ยท #my projects ยท #social media

With cohost's shutdown on the horizon, I've been working on this blog a bit more fervently than usual. It now has an RSS feed (actually an "Atom" feed, not that it matters), so you can plug into any feed reader and receive new posts alongside any other blogs you follow. Come along for the ride - RSS is cool and retro now!

Eleventy's RSS plugin turns a single "collection" into a feed; in my case, that's the "posts" feed. But I maintain other collections for the "Cool stuff" and "Projects" section of this blog, and it would be a bummer for RSS readers not to pick those up. The compromise I've landed on is to start cross-posting those things right here, in the main feed.

With that said, here are some cool things my friends and I have made recently:

Cool stuff

Petriform - Familial Verses

Longtime friend Petriform released his latest album Familial Verses earlier this week. Trailblazing the previously unexplored space of Virtual Boy โŒ Game Boy chiptune music, Familial Verses captures many of my favorite aspects of Petriform's music (as most of his albums do). Soaring melodies, unmatched leads, unapologetically hard-hitting dropsยน, and emotionally-packed vocoded verses are a few of those notes. I can't wait to hear these tunes live. (Petriform's stage presence is incredible, by the way - don't pass it up if he's playing a show near you!)

ยน I didn't mean to link the whole album here, but you know what? It fits.

My projects

Cohost Web Component

One last gift for cohost's forlorn users before the shift to read-only: you can now embed posts from cohost on your website in a visually-faithful & bitrot-resistant manner using the Cohost Web Component. I sunk close to 24 hours into this project over the last four days; it's not perfect, and usage is still a bit complicated despite my best efforts, but it's been very well-received by the remaining users. My upcoming retrospective post will make heavy use of it.